User Guide

Account Information

Your account registration details, subscription history and current available plan are shown here. It includes, Company name, Company mobile number, Registered email address, Registered, Contact person’s name and Mobile number. You can keep your account details updated here.


Any person who is permitted to use this system and also includes field technicians. Number of users are limited as per the plan/subscription availed by you.

Maintains User details and permissions :

  • User Group : You can create groups for users of your account. (Eg. field technician group/ admin group/ support group etc.). You can permit each user group to access only to the selected parts (add, edit, delete and view) for various modules. You may provide restricted access to certain user groups by selecting add, edit, delete and view options. By this you can give limited access to the users in a user groups in your account. You can always edit these permissions as per your requirements.
  • Add User : Add users of your account and set user id and password for them. You can add limited number of Users as allowed in your subscription plan. Users are inclusive of field technicians. User details includes; name of user, skill, skill suitable for product category, email, contact details, address, status (active/ de-active) and 2. User role (User Group). Users can use their username or email id as user id and password provided to them to login into the system.
  • List User : You can search, view, edit and delete users and there information here.

Customer is any person who avail your product and/or services. Customer Management helps you to record your customer information. Please note that you are require to add customer details before proceeding further. Adding the customer is first step for using this system.

Maintains your Customer’s details :

  • Add User : You can add your customers information here, which includes following fields to record; Name, Company Name, Address, contact person, contact information, Priority (Low/ Normal/ High/ Very High) and Status (Active/De-active)
  • List Customer : Here you can find list of customers added to the system. You can search, view, edit and export your customers details. You can also add Site’s detail of your customer here.

Site is a place or location at which product under your maintenance (asset) is physically located. Each Asset (product under your maintenance) is located at a site and hence you are required to enter details of your site for every customer. A customer may have one or more sites. A site may one or more asset (product under your maintenance).

Maintains Site details of customers:

  • Create Site : Add customer- wise sites here. Select the customer from drop down list to whom the site belongs.
    Add site information includes; Site name, contact person name, site address, contact details and status (Active/De-active)
  • Site List : Here you can find list of sites added to the system. You can search and view your site details here. Edit button of any site allows you to update or delete that site.
Product Category

Product category is a group/category under which the asset (product under your maintenance) may be grouped or categorized for ease of your management. This generally consist of brands (If you are maintaining products of various brands) or types (If you are maintaining products of various types).

Before adding asset, you are required to create product category.

Maintains list of Product category :

  • Add Product Category : You can create product categories here for maintaining categories or types of assets held by your customers. (for eg. Hardware, software, elevators, equipment etc.)
  • List Product Category : You can find list of product categories added to the system. You can search and view product category here. Edit action button of any product category allows you to update or delete that product category.

Asset is the single complete product for which you provide maintenance service at a site for a customer.

Maintains Asset Details :

  • Add new Assets : Add asset of your customer i.e product for which you provide maintenance service. To add new asset, follow following steps :
    • Click on ‘Add New Assets’ tab under Asset Management.
    • Select ‘Type of Assets’ from dropdown i.e. from list of Product Category saved by you.
    • Click on ‘Next’ at the bottom right of the page.
    • Add ‘Customer Detail’, you can also select already saved customer to Autofill that customer’s detail.
    • Add ‘Customer Representative/Contact Person Details’.
    • Add ‘Site details’, you can also select already saved site to Autofill that site’s detail.
    • Click on ‘Next’ at the bottom right of the page.
    • Fill ‘Asset Details’, which includes: Asset Title, Technical specification, Make/ Manufacture, Model No., Date of Manufacturing, Date of Installation, Other Information/ Notes.
    • Click on ‘Finish’ button at the bottom right of the page.
  • Asset List : You can find list of assets added to the system here. You can search, view, edit and delete saved assets here. You can also add contract to your asset here, please note that you can only add one contract per Asset. Once you add contract to your asset, you can view, edit and delete your contract here.
  • Assets Report : You can search and export your list of assets for your records. You can generate company wise asset report and Asset Type wise asset report.

This system allows you to enter few details of your contract for your ready reference. You may also upload the soft copy (pdf etc.) of your contract with your customer here.

Maintains Contracts details of Asset

  • Create Contract : You can search asset for which contract is not added yet and add contract details for the same; if contract is added earlier, you will not find that asset here. Contract details includes:
    • a. Contract Type (Comprehensive/ Non- Comprehensive):
      Comprehensive type of a contract includes services as well as parts of the asset. Non- Comprehensive type of a contract includes service but does not includes parts of the asset.
    • b. Contract Number : it is a reference number of your maintenance contract with your customer.
    • c. Start date of contract period : The date from which you will give service to your customer as per your contract.
    • d. contract period (in months): select Period from drop down options for which you will provide maintenance service to your customer from the start date.
    • e. Number of Preventive Maintenance during contract period : This is a total number of your preventive maintenance that you will provide for the asset to your customer during the contract period.

      Here, we provide you different limits to set number of preventive maintenances during different contract period options.

      Contract Period Maximum Number of Preventive Maintenance during contract period
      Three (3) months Nine (9)
      Six (6) months Twenty-One (21)
      One (1) year Thirty-Six (36)
      Two (2) years Seventy-Two (72)
      Three (3) years One Hundred and Nine (109)
      Four (4) years One Hundred and Forty-Five (145)
      Five (5) years One Hundred and Eighty-Two (182)

      Eg.1 : If you provide preventive maintenance once a month for a customer with whom you have signed maintenance contract for a period of one (1) year. Then please enter ‘contract period’ as one (1) year and ‘Number of Preventive Maintenance during contract period’ as twelve (12).

      Eg.2 : If you provide preventive maintenance once for every two months and you have signed maintenance contract with your customer for a period of six (6) months. Then please enter ‘contract period’ as six (6) months and ‘Number of Preventive Maintenance during contract period’ as three (3).

    • f. Currency
    • g. Amount of contract
    • h. Preventive, breakdown and emergency SLA (in hours):

      SLA is Service Level Agreement between you and your customer determining the number of hours within which the ticket (problem) has to be resolved from the time the ticket was created.

      Preventive SLA is applicable to the ticket created for preventive maintenance.

      Breakdown SLA is applicable to the ticket created for breakdown services.

      Emergency SLA is applicable to the ticket created for emergency services.

    • i. Payment status (paid/not paid)
    • j. Contract status (Active/ De-active)
    • k. Attach contract copy and
    • l. Save a contract note here.
  • Contract List : Here you can find list of contracts added to the system. You can search, view, edit and delete contract here. You can also renew /add contract. You can manage your contracts from ‘Contract Details History’, by clicking on renew/add button.

Note : If you edit any contract, all previous schedule for that contract will be reschedule or created new.

Schedule for Preventive Maintenance

Schedules for preventive maintenance are automatically generated by the system from the information provided by you in contract details about contract period and No. of Preventive Maintenance during contract period.

Maintains your preventive maintenance schedule

  • Schedule Report : Here you can find system generated schedule for preventive maintenance during contract period. You can search and export schedule report with the help of asset ID/ Contract ID/ Asset Type/ Company Name/ Service Date/ Status (Active or de-active). Here ‘Service date’ refers to scheduled date for preventive maintenance service to be provided.
  • Schedule List : You can find here list of schedules for upcoming period of 30 (Thirty) days. If you want to see list of schedules for more than 30 (Thirty) days, then you can use service date in search option to search for the services to be provided on that day. You can search and export list with the help of any of the given search criteria.

    You can also edit Schedule date, update status of ticket and comment (or response) from ‘Edit’ action button on ‘schedule List’ page.

    You can view and update schedules from schedule history in edit schedule page

    Note : You cannot edit schedule once ticket for that schedule is generated. Once the ticket is generated you may edit/update the ticket.

    'Ticket for schedule of preventive maintenance will be generated automatically 48 (Forty-Eight) hours prior to scheduled service date. You can also manually generate ticket for any schedule from ‘Create Ticket’ action button on ‘schedule List’ page. Once you generate ticket or ticket generated automatically, you can only view, edit and update ticket.

Complaint Ticket

Ticket for complaint raised by the customer may be generated manually or automatically.

Tickets for Preventive Maintenance are created automatically as per schedule by the system for an asset, if the contract details for that asset are entered into the system.

Tickets may be created automatically if you are subscribed to Tensor Tel which creates ticket automatically by receiving information provided by the customer on the IVR system.

The main user may assign the tickets to any of the team member and then the team member can update and edit that ticket.

Maintains Tickets for Maintenance schedule request and complaint received from customers

  • Create Ticket : To create a ticket;
    • a. Select asset to autofill basic customer, site, asset and contract details
    • b. Fill caller’s details, which includes caller’s name, number, email id along with caller date and time
    • c. Select type of issue (Breakdown Maintenance/ Preventive Maintenance/ Emergency Maintenance) and Ticket Priority (Low/Normal/ High/ Very High)
    • d. Assign complaint to Field Technicians (select name from saved users)
    • e. set due date and due time for resolving the issue raised
    • f. Add your Response/ Comment.
  • Ticket List : You can search tickets with the help of given search criteria (Asset ID, Company Name, Ticket Priority, Asset Type, Contract Start Date and Contract End Date. You can edit/update Ticket and view ticket history from ‘view’ action button from each ticket.

    Ticket status options for updating are;

    • a. Created & Pending for Confirmation
    • b. Pending for Assignment to Technician
    • c. Technician on the Way
    • d. Technician Arrived at Site/ Work in Progress
    • e. Resolved

You can also delete any ticket from Ticket List.

On the Maintenance Dashboard, we provide relevant consolidated details of the events categorized into various time duration for your ready reference.

Currently, on Maintenance Dashboard you can see automatically updated details for current month, for last month, for last three months and grand total data which includes No. of assets created, No. of Contract added, No. of Tickets generated, Ticket status chart and No. of overdue tickets.

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